Info Tag


What is Myhelptag?
Myhelptag provides various products that will carry important information helpful to save your loved ones in times of emergency.To know moreClick here.
How myhelptag will help in emergency ?
All our producs have a QR code carrying information such as blood group, emergency contact etc. that can save precious life saving time during emergencies.
Where should I buy myhelptag?
We are selling it online through our website. And are current working with retailers and local stores to make the products available throughout the country.
Does this really track user location?
As there are no electronic components in our products the user location will not be saved. In emergency times if your friends scan the QR code along with your emergency details they can share their GPS location whichcan be seen by your emergency contact person to know about the scanned location.
What material used for Myhelptag?
Myhelptag products such as the metal tag is made out of steel material.The car,bike and helmet stickers are made out of PVC.
What if dont have smartphone?
You can get the emergency information even through our website enter the tag and pin printed on the product on our home page and the information will be made available.
Can i use it for my pets?
Yes! offcourse.Our tags are designed for pets as well. And can easily fit to your pet's collar.
How should I register tag to my account?
From our home page click on login and click on register button enter the requested details and click on register and your account is created.
Is my information safe ?
Yes Wwe are using SSL comodo Security, For payments you will be reidirected to payment gateways and none of your banking infomation is saved.
How much does it cost ?
The cost of all our products are mentioned in theproducts page.
I live outside of India. Can Myhelptag still help me?
Yes, as you chose the informtion of emergency contact details you can enter your the informtion related to your locality.
Are the products durable ?
Our Steel tags have laser engraved QR codes and the stickers are made out of PVC to provide durability.